CodeLab™: A Powerful Tool for Programming Instruction
“I highly recommend the use of CodeLab to all other instructors. It provides the evaluation support that I have been seeking for an introductory course.”
— Michael Schultz, Instructor, University of Wisconsin
“I really love CodeLab. It has helped me cover more material with better comprehension than ever before!”
— Marcus Darden, Professor, Olivet College
“Turing’s Craft, in my opinion, is the most important thing that has happened so far in the area of web-based programming instruction.”
— Mike McMillan, Author/Professor
“I liked the interface and the load that it took off of me. I was impressed with CodeLab and will use it in my intro class again.”
— Ken Whitener, Professor, Iowa Lakes Community College
“I signed up for this at the start of the semester and thought it was going to be just tedious work, however it turned out to be very helpful in understanding the concepts in C programming.”
— Greg M., Student, University of Akron
“CodeLab is particularly helpful for students without prior programming experience. The quick feedback on their responses leads them to keep trying to find the solution instead of giving up or writing down something that isn’t correct without knowing it.
My students are clearly enjoying this class more and experiencing significantly less frustration with computer programming than in past semesters.
We’ve received outstanding support from Turing’s Craft. I’m a satisfied customer and anticipate using CodeLab in my introductory programming classes in the future.”
— Deborah Trytten, Professor, University of Oklahoma
“Our students and instructors credit CodeLab for improved marks.
CodeLab structures all those things that I have been telling the students to do for their own good. Now I can check to see whether they have followed through and reward their efforts.”
— Jeremy Sills, Professor, University of Toronto
“CodeLab has proven to be invaluable in giving students additional hands-on experience and hence a better understanding of programming. The students have also given it favorable reviews. I will certainly be recommending it for next semester’s introductory programming class.”
— Glenn Jones, Professor, Medgar Evers College
“I don’t see how a CS1 class could be taught without something like CodeLab.”
— Jacob D. Strouckler, Student, University of Oklahoma
“I am getting more questions about concepts, software engineering and problem solving and fewer questions about Java basics!”
— Rose Williams, Professor, SUNY/Binghamton
“I am glad that we use CodeLab. Being a student entirely unfamiliar with Java, it helps me learn the language by putting it to use. It has assisted me a great deal.”
— Lindsay Fowler, Student, University of Oklahoma
“I really enjoyed the way we were able to actually practice the techniques online. I liked how the user received instant responses to check your mistakes as you progressed.”
— Jon L., Student, University of Maryland
“I saw a real increase in my test scores after using CodeLab. It broke down programming concepts into easy steps and helped me see how these concepts fit together, making my homework easier to do.”
— Ethan A., Student, Brooklyn College
“The CodeLab exercises are more fun than homework assignments which can sometimes be confusing and don’t allow the student to interact with the code to see exactly what is happening. I’m glad our instructor picked CodeLab!”
— Mark Manos, Student, University of Oklahoma
“Turing’s Craft is very easy to use and definitely helped me grasp the concepts of C++ programming more easily. I am not even a computer programming major and I was able to write programs with ease after practicing with CodeLab.”
— Nzinga Ebron, Student, Brooklyn College
“One of the best things that happened to me in this class was having to complete the CodeLab because I’ve learned so much as I struggled to do them.”