Faculty Benefits
instant Automatic feedback
Because of its helpful feedback and hints, Students don't hit "brick walls" when working in CodeLabs. So, students who do choose to come to faculty office hours will be seeking guidance at a higher level. As one instructor put it: "I am getting more questions about concepts, software engineering and problem-solving and fewer questions about basics."
CodeLab automatically checks student work for correctness. A dynamic roster tracks student performance and maintains a record of submissions, freeing you to focus on the less banal and more satisfying tasks of teaching.
Your students are less likely to become overwhelmed by the course material because they are able to master the fundamental programming concepts in the CodeLabs. CodeLabs give your students manageable practice opportunities in a self-paced and supportive learning environment.
The Codelab service is content agnostic—the system can be used with any content and course organization you choose. We have pre-made courses for all popular textbooks. With Codelab, there’s no need to toss your existing course syllabus, textbook and/or class notes! In addition, competitive pricing keeps both you and your students happy.
Codelab offers seamless integration with Canvas, Blackboard, Moodle, D2L, Schoology, Sakai, and other Learning Management Systems. Students never visit the Codelab website—exercises reside in the LMS course and results feed directly to the LMS gradebook. Course set up is straightforward and follows standard protocols.
Put your class emphasis where you want it
Focus on problem solving strategies, design and analysis, abstraction, algorithms, and style. You can do this because CodeLab helps the students master the syntax, semantics and basic usage of the programming language.
“I highly recommend the use of CodeLab to all other instructors. It provides the evaluation support that I have been seeking for an introductory course.”
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