Information For Bookstores

Campus bookstores may purchase CodeLab payment keys from Turing's Craft that they in turn can sell to students who wish to upgrade their CodeLab access to "full access".

Turing's Craft does not offer school bookstores the "net pricing" arrangements that publishers of paper textbooks do. We charge the bookstore the same price that we would charge the student were he or she to purchase an access code online. (See pricing). Given the inevitable markup and usual sales tax, the student thus pays 10%-30% more at the bookstore counter than online in CodeLab itself. This means that purchasing a payment access code from a bookstore only makes sense if the student can get financial aid reimbursement for bookstore purchases, but cannot for online purchases.

PROCEDURE: An automatic system for ordering, receiving and being invoiced for payment keys is now in effect. The bookstore needs to register, and then, once registered, can log in and order payment keys. The keys and an invoice will be automatically sent by email. The bookstore prints the license codes as it chooses, sells them to students, and pays us in 30 days. Returns are possible, but we prefer bookstores to try to be realistic about the number of codes they're ordering.

Note: Occasionally, a school may have different courses using CodeLabs with different prices-- in those rare cases, special arrangements must be made.

To register or log in or get further information go HERE.

Note: prices are subject to change. (Although actually they haven't since 2003.)

CONTACTING US: The best (actually the ONLY reliable) way of reaching us is through email: . We usually respond within 24 hours, often much more quickly. If for some reason we don't, just re-send your email with an annoyed subject like "SECOND REQUEST". But hopefully you won't have to.